Please note items in red are under construction or otherwise off the air.
Mount Bullion
Mount Bullion is located a few miles out of Mariposa. Mt. Bullion provides excellent coverage from Lodi to Visalia. All repeaters and remote bases are controlled by two RLC-DSP404 controllers. All repeaters and remote bases can be linked to any other analog equipment on Mt. Bullion.
147.030 MHz + (100Hz PL)
444.700 MHz + (94.8Hz PL)
224.960 – (156.7Hz PL)
420 Hub
The TARC Mt. Bullion (and linked) repeaters are now on EchoLink and AllStar.
EchoLink: W6BXN-R / Node 424068
AllStar: W6BXN / Node 52447
In the city of Merced, TARC has a UHF repeater. The repeater is sometimes linked to the Mt. Bullion, as desired.
The frequency of the Merced repeater is as follows:
Merced: 444.900 MHz + (94.8Hz PL)
TARC has a repeater in Yosemite National Park. It is normally linked to the rest of the system via the 420 hub, but if necessary can be unlinked at anytime. The repeater has excellent coverage in and around the park.
Turtleback Dome: 147.000 MHz + (100Hz PL)
Buck Rock
TARC has a UHF repeater in Sequoia National Forest on Buck Rock near Kings Canyon National Park. The repeater is normally linked to the rest of the system via the 420 link but can be unlinked at any time.
TARC has three DMR repeaters. All four repeaters are tied to the brandmeister network on both timeslots.
The Turlock Amateur Radio Club advises the use of TARC regional instead of local. This allows for better and easier use of the TARC repeaters.
TARC Regional: 310658 (Timeslot 2)
Mount Bullion UHF: Output: 444.7875 – Input: 449.7875 – CC: 1
Mount Bullion VHF: Output: 144.9375 – Input: 147.4375 – CC: 1
Mount Oso: Output: 440.1875 – Input: 445.1875 – CC: 1
All TARC DMR repeaters have the following static talkgroups.
Static Talkgroups:
NorCal: 31068 (Timeslot 1)
California: 3106 (Timeslot 1)
Local: 2 (Timeslot 2)
TARC Regional: 310658 (Timeslot 2)
Except for TARC Regional and local, all traffic should take place on timeslot 1.
Standard Talkgroups:
Although all brandmeister talkgroups will work, TARC members have the following as a minimum:
Local: 2
NorCal: 31068
NorCal 1: 31069
California: 3106
Cal 1: 31061
SoCal: 31066
SoCal 1: 31067
Southwest: 3176
Call Zone 6: 31096
North America: 93
Worldwide: 91
TAC 310: 310
TAC 311: 311
TAC 312: 312
W6HHD D-Star
The W6HHD D-Star system is a full featured Icom stack with D-Plus linking capability:
Module A: 1284.100 / 1272.100
Module B: 444.800 +
Module C: 147.130 –
Data: 1249.225
Broad Band Microwave
Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) (MESH Network)
W6BXN is operating a 5 GHz, 90° Sector Microwave Antenna on Mt. Bullion.
Coverage area should be from Turlock along highway 99 down to South of Merced.
SSID: AREDN, Ch.179 (5.895), 10 MHz wide.
W6BXN is operating a 5 GHz 90° Sector Microwave Antenna on Mt. Oso.
Coverage area should be South of Modesto to Turlock along highway 165 down to Los Banos.
SSID: AREDN, Ch.174 (5.870 GHz), 10 MHz Wide
W6BXN is now testing a M5 90° 21db North Sector Antenna on Mt. Oso.
Coverage should be South of Stockton to Turlock, Covering the Hwy 99 corridor.
SSID: AREDN, 5GHz. Ch 164 (5.820) 10 Mhz wide
W6BXN is operating a 5 GHz, Sector Antenna in the city of Merced
Covering the city of Merced. Node is located near Merced JC.
SSID: AREDN, Ch.164 (5.820), 10 MHz wide.
ADS-B Feeder
TARC operates an ADS-B feeder (aircraft tracker) on Mt. Bullion. Data received can be viewed on a map, here. Statistics can be viewed here. All ADS-B exchange feeders can be viewed here.