The doors will open at 7 AM and the auction will start at 9 AM. Lunch will be provided by the Salvation Army, donations appreciated.
Check this page regularly as items will be added.
Talk In:
147.030+ (100 Hz)
If you are bringing equipment to consign, please send to pictures to
Auction Information Below Pictures
The items pictured below will not appear at the Spring 2024 auction.

General Auction Information/Guidelines 2024
Since 1990 the Turlock Amateur Radio Club (TARC) has conducted auctions of ham equipment as a community service to the widows and beneficiaries of “silent keys.”
The auctions benefit the ham community by providing opportunities not otherwise available:
- New hams get an opportunity to purchase equipment at prices that are a fraction of the cost of new equipment at the retail store. A great way to get into a new hobby.
- Experienced hams get an opportunity to purchase classic equipment items and accessories for equipment lines that are no longer currently at available at retail stores.
- All hams get an opportunity to purchase supplies and small parts and build up their own stocks of bits and pieces to repair old equipment or build new homebrew goodies (doo-hickeys or what-cha-ma-callits!).
The Club receives a “contribution” to its’ coffers which is used to:
- Pay the direct costs of the Auction such as hall rentals, advertising, cleaning fees.
- Maintain the repeater systems situated on mountaintops, six San Joaquin Valley cities and two National Parks. These repeaters are a valuable link in the nation’s emergency communications system.
Ken Stillwell KF6IDK
Saturday February 10th 2024
Estate Sellers need to know:
An “Estate Seller” is the Estate of a “Silent Key” or Other Entity that has no bidder/individual in attendance to look after the merchandise.
The format is pure auction. There are no guarantees as to the price or prices any item or group of items will bring. An item’s value is based solely on its perceived value in the eyes of the assembled bidders.
In every case, contact the auctioneer in advance of the auction date so we can make sure we have space for your equipment and have enough time to adequately represent your interests.
In cases of extremely high value items, the auctioneer may agree to a minimum acceptable price for specific items. If you need this protection, contact the auctioneer before the day of the auction! If you feel a need to set a minimum, do not let your emotions or financial need cloud your discretion or good sense. The buyer from Fresno will not likely permit the buyer from San Jose to “steal” your stuff!
The sellers benefit by using our auction process because after 20 plus years buyers have learned of our annual or semi-annual auctions and make it a point to journey to Turlock for the event. We normally attract buyers from Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno and Visalia. Typically we have 40 – 60 bidders who come prepared to spend money!
The Club’s “Contribution” depends on the Club Members’ degree of involvement in preparation for the event.
If the estate representatives bring the equipment to the auction site and display it, the Club will take a 15% of sale price “Contribution”. It costs a significant amount to host an event!
If needed, TARC members will visit the “silent key’s” station and dis-assemble the equipment and box the accessories, parts and small items so that they may be sold. Where possible, spare parts and manuals will be matched with the equipment and passed on to the new owners. TARC members will load the equipment and transport it to the auction site then unload and display the equipment. If these additional services are needed, the Club will take a 20% of sale price contribution.
If you need extraordinary services contact the auctioneer. Some club members may provide additional services on a fee for service basis. Otherwise the club members as a group may decide to accept your challenge for an additional “Contribution” to the Club. (Example: Removing a tower.)
It is our practice to mail checks to the sellers within 48 hours of the auction.
If you bring us ham gear to sell, give us a written statement including the name of the estate, a contact phone number, the name of the proceeds payee and the complete mailing address to which the check is to be sent. Please include any additional information you deem significant.
Buyers Stay Alert:
All items are without warranty, express or implied. What you see is what you get! Generally we know nothing about the prior lives or history of the “finds” you are attempting to purchase. Any inferences or statements to the contrary are merely opinions of the speaker, and are not binding upon the seller or Club.
To minimize disruptions during the auction, please sign in and purchase a bidding paddle before the auction begins. When signing in please provide full contact information that is legible!
Our intent is that all bidders will remain on premises for the entire auction as check-outs are scheduled after the final lot is sold.
Payment in full, before leaving the premises, is required. Payment may be in cash or by personal check or credit card.
Please remember the club members working the auction also need to eat and take a break!
Bidders who are also Sellers:
Bidders, once signed in and having purchased a paddle, are permitted to display items for sale at the end of the auction.
Contact the auctioneer in advance of the auction so he knows what type and quantity of equipment you will be bringing.
The reason for the auction is to benefit the widows; so Bidders who wish to sell their equipment will sell after the Estates have been auctioned.
Bring your equipment early the day of the auction so prospective buyers can “kick the tires” and perhaps question you as to the items history.
You will be expected to contribute 15% (20%?) of the sale price to the Club’s coffers.
You will be expected to remain on site during the auction to look out for your equipment.
You may buy-back your own stuff! If you don’t like the amount bid you may bid your own stuff. If you are the successful bidder the Club expects a nominal 1% contribution for its members’ time and efforts. If you buy-back your favorite widget for $275, the Club expects a $3 contribution from you.
Bidder / Sellers check out at the end of the queue. It takes more time to settle up a Bidder that has also made sales. The Bidder’s purchases and sales will be offset and the net collected in cash or check or disbursed by check payable to the Bidder.
It is our intent to provide each Bidder a listing of the individual lots purchased with a brief description and price of each.
We intend to provide each Estate with a listing of the individual lots sold with a brief description and price for each.
A Bidder-Seller will typically receive the two above listings plus a summary that offsets the two totals as well as a net owed to or from the Bidder.
Lunch: A Lunch will be provided by the Turlock Salvation Army Center, donations appreciated.
The W6BXN web-site will have a map showing the location of the venue and the date and relevant times for the event.
Ken Stillwell, Updated 1/11/2024
Guidelines Author: Mike Smith, KG6VFL, revision date 7/1/2013, 4/16/2013